Explore The Magical. Marvelous, Mysterious World of Dreams

July 26, 2023
My Amazing Dream

This is a one-day workshop to explore dreams. Learning to work with dreams can prove to be a source of guidance, inspiration and insight. Not all dreams are created equal. This workshop will help you discern the different types of dreams, identify the dreams that are most significant and provide tools and a process to explore their meaning. Only the dreamer can truly know the meaning of their dreams and a dream unexplored is like a letter not opened. (The Talmud)

Workshop Outline

* Learning to differentiate types of dreams and discern which are likely to be meaningful.

* How to facilitate remembering dreams and keeping track.

* To explore the principles of dream analysis and how to tend a dream.

* Exploration of the relationship between the imagination and dreams and how symbols are created in    dreams

* Introduction to dream partnering.

* Looking at the dream in the context of your life.

* An exploration of energy, feelings and consciousness in dreams.

* Learning to understand archetypes and their influence on dreams.

* To understand why we should not interpret other people’s dreams.

Location and Timing

Vancouver Sunday September 17th 2023, 10;00 am to 4:00 pm

Fee by donation

What Others Have Said

“Thank you again for the incredible dream partnering! Wow! So amazing! I think yourwork with dreams would really help people to change how they view dreams and hopefully help them to build a more conscious connection with their soul!” Nancy Monson

“I found the sessions I was able to attend to be simply excellent. I loved the opening meditations, your flow in bringing the content into application, and your style in honoring of individual input. Thank you for showing us a craft that you have obviously invested time and energy in mastering.” Joyce Gwilliam

Trevor Simpson is a Spiritual Coach lives in Vancouver, Canada, author of Life’s Little Book for Big Decisions and has worked with dreams since 1998. He has had a dream partner since 2002 and developed a Dream Partnering process to support others interested in dream interpretation. (www.soulclarity.com)

The Souls Journey – Despair, Hope and Disassociation.

July 26, 2023

I just returned from a workshop on idyllic Cortes Island. I was staying at Hollyhock, a lovely peaceful resort, located by the ocean in the rain forest in Desolation Sound. Coincidentally I had stunning ocean view cottage shared with two dear friends and wonderful food was served to make my experience complete. In addition there was a community of thoughtful, conscious beings with whom meaningful and deep conversations could be shared.

At dinner one evening, I sat with two young women, both in their late teens and I was curious to hear how they were dealing with the climate crisis. Their response surprised me. They believed nothing would change, that the generations preceding them were incapable of doing anything about it, and they had decided not to allow it to affect their lives. They seemed surprisingly at peace with the status quo.

I was fascinated and wondered how representative their attitude was of their generation. I found it quite understandable as many of my own friends have been expressing similar frustration. One who has worked on his own carbon footprint extensively vociferously proclaimed, “what’s the point, why should I bother, no one else does!” It reminded me a little of the rousing line from the movie Network when actor Peter Finch in his role as News anchor Howard Beal exclaimed, “ I am as mad hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.” Except we are taking it because of the sense of powerlessness individuals feel.

The next morning we had a presentation from renowned climate activist Karen Mahon Carrington who is developing a program with Atum O’Kane to address the despair and loss of hope for those who care deeply about our environment and see only negative news and reversals. I shared with her my conversation of the previous evening and said there seems no despair in these young people. She was able to name it immediately, “they have disassociated.”

This made sense to me, I sense that disassociation is a coping mechanism used when there is loss of hope and the despair that follows. I sense my own disassociation from the issue as I see no real progress. I notice my cynicism when I am told we must save the planet. I don’t believe the planet is a risk, it has a life of another five billion years. Homo Sapiens however has only been around a maximum of 300,000 years and is definitely at risk. Besides environmental damage, we have the potential for nuclear Armageddon as well as the threat of AI not to mention any other viruses that could develop.

At times it is difficult to have hope for the human race. Yet I believe we must learn to remain centred and maintain connection to this amazing consciousness that despite all its flaws can be so creative, selfless, and inspirational and perhaps is precious and unique in the galaxy.

So every morning in my daily meditation practice I affirm the possibility of change – that wealth may be redistributed, poverty eradicated and violence eliminated. False hope perhaps but hope. During my week on Cortes I developed a practice that feels appropriate:

I am open and receptive to the mystery.

Freed from all expectations

I await the will of the cosmos

In deep surrender.