The Soul Journey as a Puzzle?

May 8, 2013

© Lorne Craig

Break by Dorianne Laux

We put the puzzle together piece

by piece, loving how one curved

notch fits so sweetly with another.

A yellow smudge becomes

the brush of a broom, and two blue arms

fill in the last of the sky.

We patch together porch swings and
trees, matching gold to gold. We hold

the eyes of deer in our palms, a pair

of brown shoes. We do this as the child

circles her room, impatient
with her blossoming, tired
of the neat house, the made bed,

the good food. We let her brood

as we shuffle through the pieces,

setting each one into place with a satisfied

tap, our backs turned for a few hours

to a world that is crumbling, a sky

that is falling, the pieces

we are required to return to. © Dorianne Laux *

Recently I was searching for a poem to begin a spiritual coaching session and found a web site ( that proved very helpful. The poem numbered 180 was titled Break and it immediately resonated as a poem that related to the journey of the soul. In fact I am not sure when I realized that it was about a jigsaw puzzle; I think it was as the words tumbled from my lips during the session that I sensed that the author’s intention and my initial perception could be quite different. I saw the journey of the soul gently unfolding through the poem; the language of the soul is metaphor and symbol rather than words and this poem captures for me the exquisite way that sign and synchronicity, serendipity and symbol reveal the destination step by step like pieces of a puzzle and we may not see the picture as a whole until the last piece is slotted into place. The child is the ego self that is frustrated by the stately progress of the soul; the ego wants outcomes rather than experiences while the soul has a different agenda. When we engage in Soul work it as though for a time we escape from the concerns and considerations of our normal world and its demands yet somehow it is what “we are required to return to.”

My musings led me to wonder whether Dorianne Laux had ever considered the poem through the lens of the Soul. I recall the renowned American philosopher Ken Wilbur in his book Eye of Spirit observing that art contains no one meaning. The work will reflect both the conscious and the unconscious intention of its creator and then the viewer adds yet another layer of possibility. This is the one of the gifts that poetry gives us; thank you Dorianne for this beautiful piece